Model Name              : Invader
installation directory  : quake2\baseq2\players\Invader
Author                  : Reed Hawker
Skin Author 		: Reed Hawker
Email Address           : pseudo@cyberhighway.net

Model description       : Those zany-but-lovable aliens from the planet
			    Arknon have come to wreak havoc in the
			    Quake 2 world.  They were designed after
			    my own little creations.

Other info              : To find out the real scoop on these characters,
			  visit my homepage at www.cyberhighway.net/~pseudo

Additional Credits to   : id of course...
			  Npherno and his skin maker
			  Phillip Martin, creator of Quake2 Model Editor

Thanks to               : Sam Hunter for helping me test it.
			  Jim Donnelly for making the programs I used 
			  Andy Jackson for support.
			  Ben Wilcher for being as crazy as Haywire.
			  Rusty and Rory for support throughout.
* Play Information *

New Sounds              : You bet!  Would the default male voice even fit?
CTF Skins               : Yes
VWEP Support            : No... unless I made pistol versions of each gun.

* Construction *
Poly Count              : 416 body, 28 weapon, 444 total
Vert Count              : 224 body, 18 weapon, 242 total
Skin Count              : 13
Base                    : This is the original
Editor used             : Quake2 Model Editor (argh! No bone support!)
Known Bugs              : Dead bodies end up in the walls now and then.
Build/Animation time    : 40 hours or so... just an estimate.

* How to use this model *

Just stick the files in a directory called "Invader" in your Quake2\baseq2\players
directory.  Then switch to him in your multiplayer menu in the game.

* Copyright / Permissions *

QUAKE(R) and QUAKE II(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc.

THIS MODEL was created by Reed Hawker, therefore he should get the credit due
for making it.  Stealing models is low and evil, and anyone taking credit for
a model they didn't make is not only evil, but shall be cursed.  Besides, there 
are so many better models to steal than my humble alien.  Other than that,
enjoy the model!